I’m extremely impatient. Not always, but right now I absolutely am impatient!

I’m awaiting my acceptance (I hope) into the Student Affairs Counseling program at the college I will graduate from in less than two months. First off, that is an absolutely disgusting sentence considering I still feel as though I should be sitting in my freshman dorm eating Nutella and pretzel sticks, and splitting my arm wide-open on the bed frame. Time absolutely flies.

Don’t think I am not ready to move on into the life that I think I have adequately prepared for though. I don’t feel as if I should be scared or nervous because I have worked hard to become the person I am today. I am not nervous or scared. I am incredibly impatient though.

As of now, I am sitting at my computer in the library refreshing my email and hoping that my acceptance into the only program I applied to will magically appear in my inbox. My parents didn’t have the opportunity to go to college but they have done everything in their power to give me opportunities that they didn’t have, but I know I have wrote about this before.

More Than I Deserve.

This is me admitting that I am nervous for that email to shoot into my inbox.

I’ll post the result when I receive it!